What can be seen from our work represents the work of a team made up of client - agency - collaborators - suppliers - consumers. The mechanics of the photo lens also applies here: apperture, focus, response speed, exposure, real colors.
Regardless of the type of campaign we have done so far, our audience and our results have exceeded, each time. the expectations of our customers.
Market competition stimulates us to value our relationship with our customers. The results are very important, but the same is the road to them.
PHM – “We brand your lifestyle!”
PHM is an experienced communication platform, media production and lifestyle channel which offers creative solutions to bolster success for any business in any industry.
PHM was born as a real solution to the needs of promoting national and international brands on the Romanian media market.
“The PHM idea project came from frequent participation in advertising events and media campaigns, being invited as a public figure or as a television person. Then, I felt the need to improve the advertising instruments; the media promotion services, BTL actions and advertising channels. Moreover, in 2002 the advertising services market wasn’t able to cover the demand of the important companies which were in their ascending! So, I launched the Perfect Home Media in the same year … But the business development was in 2010 due to the local media market which saw a positive growth!” (Andrei Bărbulescu)
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Michael Gray la Promenada & Masqué Rooftop Party
La început de toamnă ne dăm întâlnire la cea mai cool petrecere #PePromenada! Dansează pe ritmurile lui Michael Gray, producătorul geniu responsabil de super-hit-ul „The weekend”. Te așteptăm pe 16 …